

Invernale - Spanish rights sold!

With a language as alive as the noise of voices at the market, Dario Voltolini gives us a jewel of narrative, delicacy and memory, capable of dragging us impetuously into the spiral of pain subdued, chaotic, but always very powerful, of thoughts, up to a place that is at the same time hell and refuge in the memory of when everything seemed to be going well.



The Western Suicide - Spanish rights sold!
This pamphlet is a guide to exploring the ongoing disaster. It is a warning and an alarm. Our self-destruction is underway. The dominant ideology, the one that the elites spread in universities, in the media, in mass culture and in entertainment, requires demolishing all self-esteem, blaming ourselves, scourging ourselves. According to this ideological dictatorship, we no longer have values to propose to the world and to the new generations: we only have crimes to atone for. This is the Western suicide.

Perché studiare filosofia (non) è noioso- Spanish rights sold!
Maura Gancitano reveals in her book the inestimable value of philosophy. In fact, the subject can be found at the basis of every discipline, and for this reason there are many philosophical teachings: the philosophy of medicine, language, architecture and even artificial intelligence. The author also suggests some philosophical practices to reflect on ourselves.

Le mouvement situationniste - Spanish rights sold!
This book accurately analyzes the cultural roots of situationist theories and practices. It also explores their diverse and often contradictory posterity: between recuperation and radicalization, on the side of postmodern intellectuals or contemporary art, among the strategists of neocapitalist power as well as in the ranks of today's rebels.

Raised Bed Gardening On Your Balcony - Spanish rights sold!

Goodbye balcony boxes – welcome raised beds! The trendy bed is simply ideal for the balcony. The author explains what you need to know about raised bed gardening in a small space. It presents models to buy and build yourself and makes it easier to get started with sample plantings for vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers. Her tips for an attractive balcony design also include the habitat for beneficial insects such as insect hotels, earthworm boxes and bee plants. A unique guide to a beautiful and fertile balcony at any time of the year.

God Talk – Portuguese rights sold!

Don’t look now, but God is talking with you. In fact, God is never not talking with you! Neale Donald Walsch, NY Times bestselling author of Conversations with God, invites you to be present to life and the experience of your talks with God. Experience Neale's classic wit as he brilliantly shares his famous 5-word statement from God - You've got me all wrong - for a 21st-century audience... with a modern-day twist.


A General History of the Bund – Spanish rights sold!

The epic of the Bund, the Jewish socialist movement, from its birth to the Stalinist purges, through the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 and the Warsaw ghetto uprising.


Wagner, an investigation into the Prigozhin System - Finnish and Spanish rights sold!

Ever since Yevgeny Prigozhin defied Vladimir Putin and shook the world, no one has been able to ignore the name of the leader of the Wagner Group. Investigators from the All Eyes on Wagner collective began tracking Prigozhin and his men around the world from the start of the attack on Ukraine in February 2022. They've gone right back to the origins to help us understand the ideology, methods and roadmap of this shadowy galaxy. Lou Osborn and Dimitri Zufferey have analyzed all the world's territories in which Wagner operates, from its creation to the present day, and offer us a unique insight into what is a major threat to global stability and Western interests.


Life and History, Operations Manual - Spanish rights sold!

From Alexander the Great to Marcus Aurelius, to Hadrian's Wall, to Humanism, to Manzoni's plague, to earthquakes, to new epidemics. History is a terrible story, I know: blood, death, violence and horror. Then the spark ignites, and everything starts again" Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The pages of this volume, edited by his son Fabio Emiliano, are like a school lesson, in which historiography, philosophy and civil ethics are complementing each other.


Mirror, mirror on the wall: the prision of beauty - Spanish rights sold!

Today, beauty is something very specific to adapt to. But it should not be an indoctrination, yet a path of knowledge of one’s own body and desires, far from external conditioning. This is short but poignant essay on beauty and the female body, as conditioned and perceived along the centuries, by the philosopher and Communicator co-founder of Tlon


My First Book Of Quantum Physics - Dutch and German rights sold!

Everything around us, trees, stones, light and even ourselves, is composed of very, very, very small particles. This tiny universe, made of energy and matter, is governed by strange and surprising laws. Start discovering the fascinating world of quantum physics with Dr. Albert’s help. This is the very first book to explain this subject to kids aged 9 (and their parents) in the easiest and most amusing way possible, focused on science teaching.

What Medical Plant Is This? - Catalan rights sold!
The Kosmos nature guide for the identification of over 350 medicinal plants from all over Europe. The Kosmos colour code guarantees quick orientation. Several pictures and drawings are shown per art, detailed knowledge is conveyed directly from the picture. The plus of the book: The free KOSMOS-PLUS app with unique explanatory films directly from nature and expert tips for an even easier identification. Recommended by NABU.