Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency

Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency

Since 2004, Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency, located in Oregon, USA, is specialized in the licensing of international translation rights for fiction and non-fiction in the categories of health, multicultural stories, nature, parenting, and body, mind & spirit. The agency also licenses kid’s nonfiction and picture books, as well as YA fiction and nonfiction. ST&A represents Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency for Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic and Spanish languages.

Beyond Words Frankfurt2023 Beyond-Words-Frankfurt2023.pdf

Inner Flower Child Books_Catalog2022_SH Inner-Flower-Child-Books_Catalog2022_SH.pdf


SHL-Translation-Rights-CATALOG-3.1.2022 SHL-Translation-Rights-CATALOG-3.1.2022.pdf



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