Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency
Since 2004, Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency, located in Oregon, USA, is specialized in the licensing of international translation rights for fiction and non-fiction in the categories of health, multicultural stories, nature, parenting, and body, mind & spirit. The agency also licenses kid’s nonfiction and picture books, as well as YA fiction and nonfiction. ST&A represents Sylvia Hayse Literary Agency for Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic and Spanish languages.
Beyond Words Frankfurt2023 Beyond-Words-Frankfurt2023.pdf
Inner Flower Child Books_Catalog2022_SH Inner-Flower-Child-Books_Catalog2022_SH.pdf
SHL-Translation-Rights-CATALOG-3.1.2022 SHL-Translation-Rights-CATALOG-3.1.2022.pdf